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Home Hair therapies For styling Hair Company Style Hair Company Inimitable Style Illuminating Cream 250 ml.

Hair Company Inimitable Style Illuminating Cream 250 ml.

Price: €16.02
List Price: €18.41
Discount: €2.39 (13.00%)
  • Rating: (2)
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Nourishing and restoring hair fiber cream for styling and shine. Innovative formula with Luminescine technology - wraps the hair in a shiny sheath that reflects sunlight and gives shine. Gives an amazing silky effect. Contained in a special and innovative formula Luminescine wraps the hair in a shiny veil, under which it restores it.

How to use: After you have washed the hair well and dried it with a towel - apply the required amount of the product on the whole hair and allow to spread well. Without rinsing, proceed to the desired styling.

  • Expiry date:
    12 months after opening
  • Original product from an official importer:
    from an official importer
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Hair Company Inimitable Style Illuminating Cream 250 ml.
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Product price: €16.02
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Предоставената таблица е с информационна цел. Добавете продукта в количката си с бутона "Добави в количката" и при поръчка ще можете да изберете броя вноски на кредита.

Когато плащате с NewPay, всъщност NewPay плаща поръчката Ви вместо Вас. Вие я получавате и разполагате с три начина да я платите към тях:

  • Отложено до 30 дни от момента на изпращане на поръчката без оскъпяване. За покупки на стойност до 400 лв.
  • Плащане на 4 вноски. Заплащате 20% от стойността на поръчката си на момента с карта. Останалата сума се разделя на 3 равни месечни вноски без оскъпяване. За покупки на стойност до 1000 лв.
  • Плащане на 6 вноски. Стойността на поръчката се разпределя в 6 равни месечни вноски с оскъпяване. За покупки на стойност до 2000 лв.

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Every woman of the fairer sex knows how beautiful and alive hair becomes if it is given naturalness. That is why the famous cosmetic brand Hair Company has developed a special cream whose special formula contains the substance LUMINESCINE - an ingredient that envelops the hair with a veil of shine and provides the strands with a beautiful appearance. This product restores the hair fibers and their structure, so that every hairstyle will look great.

Shine cream - Hair Company Inimitable Style Illuminating Cream can be used after every shampoo. With it, your curls will definitely acquire healthy shine and volume. Treat yourself to a bargain purchase of an amazing product for styling, nourishing, shining and beautiful hair. Nourishes in depth, restores the hair fiber, gives shine and favors very good combing and easier styling.


  • Care formula - nourishes and restores damaged hair fibers;
  • Facilitates hair combing;
  • The result of use is soft and silky hair that shines and is easy to comb!
  • Price in points:
    720 pt.
  • Expiry date:
    12 months after opening
  • Brand:
    Hair Company Italy
  • Original product from an official importer:
    from an official importer
  • ♥ Free Shipping(only for Bulgaria):
    ➡ over 70 BGN
  •  Deadline for return:
    ➡ 14 days
  • ℗ Country of origin:
    ➡ Italy
  • ▶ Gift :
    Gift when buying
  • ® Before you pay:
    ➡ review
  • We recommend:
    ➡ for any hair type
  • For:

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by Екатерина Салиева, 31 May 2024

by Мариана Добрева, 09 May 2024

Бързи точни, коректни. Благодаря!

by Яна Стефанова, 01 May 2024

by Десислава Николова, 24 Apr 2024

Хубаво би било да има допълнителна отстъпка за покупки над 100лв ????.Всички продукти са топ!

by Светлана НИКОЛОВА, 09 Jan 2024

Бързи и коректни! И коректни цени

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by Кристина Боянова, 16 Sep 2023

Изключителен продукт!Косата ми е тежка ,чуплива,и суха.Справя се перфектно :)Радвам се на хидратирана ,гладка и мека коса .

by Татяна Дзимбова, 16 Sep 2023

by Мариела Попова, 05 Sep 2023

by Таня Димитрова, 14 Aug 2023

by Fani asenova, 20 Jun 2023

by Кристина Боянова, 05 Apr 2023

Много добър продукт.Хидратира чудесно косата ми която е чуплива и суха.Радвам се на хидратирана и мека коса.

by Натали Танева, 10 Mar 2023

Продуктите, които закупих Hair Company Крeм за подхранване,L'Oréal Profesionnel Подхранващ и термозащитен крем, както и Matrix Total Results Протеинов шампоан за обем са страхотни. Кремът за подхранване подпомага много добре разресването на косата ми. Термозащитата предпазва много добре косата, а шампоанът ми е любим защото не омазнява косата, прави страхотен обем и измива много добре. Благодаря ви!

by Цветелина Василева, 28 Feb 2023

Обслужване и продукти, и цени: всичко е супер

by Елина Янкулова, 24 Feb 2023

Може би най-добрият продукт за разресване на тънка и фина коса.

by Йоана Мотова, 23 Feb 2023

Благодаря Ви! Много съм доволна от всичките закупени продукта.

by Галина Косева, 13 Feb 2023

by Мариела Иванова, 11 Feb 2023

by Fidanka Stoyanova, 11 Feb 2023

Уникални продукти!

by Gabriela Mladenova, 31 Jan 2023

Има страхотен аромат, много лек и приятен за косата, подхранва я страхотно преди стилизиране.

by Mиглена Михалева, 28 Jan 2023

Уникален продукт

by Галина Димитрова, 27 Jan 2023


by Таня Русева, 27 Jan 2023

Страхотен продукт. Косата ми не е изглеждала толкова добре. Мека и супер хидратирана.

by Надя Стефанова, 20 Jan 2023

Продукти с доказано качество . Доволна съм , както от продуктите така и от обслужването !

by Габриела Дойчинова, 15 Jan 2023

Страхотен крем, прави косата мека и лесна за разресване.

by Наделина Йорданова, 03 Jan 2023

Още след първото нанасяне на продуктите, усеща се разлика. Много съм доволна!

by Кристина Рашева, 04 Dec 2022

За 1ви път поръчвам продукти на марката Hair company. Впечатлих се от една дама,която ги използва и реших да ги изпробвам. Мога да споделя, че още с първото използване на продуктите има разлика с косата ми. Харесват ми. Миришат приятно. Косата става мека и след като я изправя с преса изглежда много красива. Препоръчвам.

by Светлана Чанкова, 30 Nov 2022

Продуктите от тази серия наистина вършат чудеса с изрусени и силно увредени коси, каквато е моята и за това силно я препоръчвам. Аз я открих съвсем случайно, докато чаках да ми дойде реда за освежаване върховете на косата ми - разгледах фейсбук-страницата на фризьорката и видях, че предлага терапия за коса. Попитах и си записах час. Направих подарък и на приятелката ми. Ами още с измиването косата става като коприна - при моята многократно третирана коса усещането е като от коприна. После фризьорката ми сложи серум и крем от същата марка, и мина косата ми с инфра-ред маша. Ходих няколко пъти на фризьор, след което си поръчах почти всичко за коса от тази серия и съм повече от доволна. Препоръчвам я!

by Вяра Тинкова , 21 Oct 2022


by Дияна Николова, 26 Dec 2021

Уникален продукт.
Quantity 1 2+
Price €18.41 €18.30

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The delivery of the ordered goods is made in the way chosen by the User and according to the specified terms by courier. Deliveries are made only within the European Union. Deliveries of cash on delivery goods are made within 5 working days after order confirmation. In case of advance payment by bank transfer, by bank card or "On payment, by credit" the deliveries are made within 5 working days after verification of the amount and the bank account of the Provider.


The goods are delivered within 5 (five) working days, and the specified term is applied insofar as it does not contradict the delivery terms applied by the respective courier. In any case, the Provider reserves the right to extend the specified terms by up to 7 (seven) days, without informing the User in advance, and to extend the terms over 7 (seven) days with the prior approval of the User.


The goods are delivered to the recipients as standard - by hand against a signature, and the shipments are delivered to the entrance of the building or the courier's office. When making the delivery, a document for acceptance-delivery is signed, and the User manually writes his own and surname, which certifies the exact execution of the order.


Upon receipt of the goods, the buyer is obliged to immediately inspect it and in case he finds obvious defects, the absence of any of the accompanying accessories and / or any of the documents required by Bulgarian law, immediately inform the person making the delivery. If he fails to do so, the item is considered approved, and the User loses the right to later claim that the product was delivered with obvious defects, the absence of any of the accompanying accessories and / or any of the required by Bulgarian law documents.


In case of impossibility to deliver the shipment at the first visit, not due to the fault of the Provider and / or the courier (in case no one is at the address, etc.), the person making the delivery leaves a notice indicating a contact phone number to which the recipient follows to call within three working days to specify a new deadline for delivery. In case of impossibility to deliver the shipment and in case of a second visit, not due to the fault of the Supplier and / or the courier, the Supplier retains the ordered goods and sends a notification to the User. The notification of the User gives a period of two weeks in which he must receive the ordered goods at the address of the Supplier, as well as a warning for cancellation of the contract in case of non-fulfillment of this obligation by the User. After the expiration of this period and if the User has not accepted the goods, the contract is automatically terminated without the need for additional declarations of intent. In this case, the User holds a penalty from the Supplier in the amount of 10 (ten) percent of the final gross price of the goods according to the order, as well as compensation in the amount of the delivery costs incurred by the Supplier. The supplier reserves the right to seek compensation for major damage as a result of the damage, if any.


The Provider is not responsible for non-fulfillment of an order in cases where the User has provided incorrect, incomplete and / or inaccurate personal data, including when he has provided an incomplete, inaccurate or fictitious address and / or telephone number.


The Supplier reserves the right to change the subcontractor performing the delivery without prior notice to the User as long as this does not change the method of delivery. The User and the Supplier agree that in the relationship between them the circumstances certified by the signature of the supplier regarding the delivery of the goods will be considered correct until proven otherwise.

 The provider is not responsible for:

  • depletion of quantities of certain items;
  • delay in delivery to the Supplier by the importers or manufacturers of the respective goods;
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