Selective professional Decolorvit
Completely dedicated to the world of blonds, Decolorvit is the versatile range designed to tackle the most difficult challenges and offer quality services with total respect for the hair structure. A complete bleaching range up to 9 levels, for every technique, every result and every hair structure. With vegan formulas, pigmented textures to counteract undesidered highlights and delicate fragrances to make the bleaching experience enjoyable for both professionals and clients, Decolorvit is essential to succeed and stand out in the world of blonds.
Selective Professional Decolorvit Nova Extra Decolorizing Powder 500 g.
Price: €32.72Price in points:1280 pt.Brand:Selective ProfessionalWe recommend:➡ for professional useFor:Unisex
Selective Professional Decolorvit Scalp Bleaching powder, sparing the scalp 500 g.
Price: €32.72Price in points:1280 pt.Brand:Selective ProfessionalWe recommend:➡ for professional useFor:Unisex
Selective Decolorvit Active Use Specific activator 750 ml.
Price: €13.04
Selective Professional Decolorvit Plus Universal decolorizing powder 500 g.
Price: €32.26Price in points:1262 pt.Brand:Selective ProfessionalWe recommend:➡ for professional useFor:Unisex